We are delighted to announce that our Oughtibridge Valley – Access Road and Bridge project has been shortlisted for the prestigious CECA Yorkshire and Humber Project of the Year Award 2019, due to Covid 19 pandemic winners for both 2019 and 2020 to be announced at the annual dinner on 30 September 2021.
Employed by developer CEG on a design and build basis to provide a new access to their proposed development site at Langsett Road Oughtibridge, Sheffield. The works included, a new junction with Langsett Road, a 200m long adoptable road with associated footways including a 36m single span bridge, demolition of an existing bridge crossing the River Don and the diversion of HV cables and other utilities. Start on site was February 2019 and programmed for 43 weeks.
The site was a former paper mill and the work area of the site was split East and West by the river Don accessed by the existing bridge with a limited weight restriction. The new 36m single span bridge supported a single 6m carriageway and 2No. footways, the reinforced concrete deck was supported by 6No. weathering steel beams each weighing 165t. The beams were lifted into place using a 800t Crane.
Despite programme challenges; poor weather late in 2019 and delays to the diversion of the existing HV cables the scheme was completed on time within budget of £2,250,000. Completion date was critical as the client was to handover the site at the end of December.2019. This was successfully achieved through a close working relationship with our client, local authority and supply chain to overcome the various challenges and maintain rigorous programme management.
The project was completed without an accident and over 400 Positive Intervention cards submitted, the scheme worked over 50,000 man hours. This was achieved by having a strong safety culture across client CEG, all operatives and sub-contractors. As part of mates in mind all operatives and sub-contractors received mental health training as part of a safety stand down day. The use of weathering steel beams to minimise further maintenance and access issues in the future
The Environmental impact the project had was reduced by all parties working together on the design, with only office waste removed from site, reuse of 2000m3 of existing excavated material, crushing of 1200m3 concrete and brick and minimising of imported material. Major work across the River Don without impact on the watercourse.