Welsh Water

During the past 12 months the company has been working with client Welsh Water along with other contracting partners on developing the new branding and image as part of their Customer-led Contract Partner Service Charter. Contract Manager Chris Martin has been part of a small team developing the branding element which with other elements has been brought together under the new initiative. Chris is now involved in developing the tool box talks with Welsh Water to roll out to all staff and employees.

“Image and branding is very important to any business and particularly important to a client like Welsh Water who deliver a key service to such a large customer base. It is vital that we recognise we are the face representing Welsh Water, and how well we perform, is how the public judge the performance of Welsh Water. The client was very keen to get this initiative right and recognise how the partners influence customer service and therefore to consult us and value our experience and contributions has been great. It has been good to be part of the development and to assist Welsh Water” commented Chris.

New Welsh Water branded barriers and signage has been supplied by the client which will be used on all schemes and customer service training to reflect the current standards of Welsh Water will be provided to all employees over the coming weeks.

Employees will be encouraged to play a big part in customer service, to embrace the training, be confident in managing contact with customers and report anything that they believe may be a concern to a customer. New ideas on how this initiative and customer experience can be improved is always welcome and employees are encouraged to put forward their thoughts.

Welsh Water’s Diolch Awards recognise both their own staff and employees as well as service provider’s employees who give exceptional service to customers and we should encourage the public who express their satisfaction to contact Welsh Water.

The Customer-led Contract Partner Service Charter was launched this week at the Ty-Awen office where representatives from each partner organisation signed the charter alongside Welsh Water’s Chief Executive, Chris Jones and Operations Director Peter Perry.

Welsh Water