Peter Duffy Limited recently finalised our Employee Recognition Awards 2020, we were unable to present the awards as we normally would due to current restrictions but the recognition is no less important.

…and the winners are:
Attendance and Performance.
Winner: Tom Egan and Highly commended: Ian Anderson
Tom and Ian both have 100% attendance records in 2020 are committed in their roles and perform to a high standard.
Winner: Tom Egan Highly Commended: Ian Anderson
Working Safely.
Winner: Brian France and Highly commended: Todmorden Team
Bernard McBride, David Elliot, Adrian Carter, Maciej Swierczynski, Marcus McCarthy, Andrew Harris and Chris Dynes.
Brian consistently demonstrates health and safety leadership on his schemes leading by example and setting high standards for his team.
The Todmorden team worked in difficult conditions to make safe a section of large diameter culvert beneath a building which required strict controls and safe working practices to install a bespoke support system.

Wider Community Award.
Joint Winners: Paul Taylor & Paul Bamford
Paul and Paul represented PDL as part of a group of friends raising money to help a fellow construction operative who was badly injured in an serious accident at work. The group raised over 20k by taking part in a sponsored 3 peaks and a sponsored run.

Innovation Award.
Winner: Malcolm MacDonald
Malcolm continues to think outside the box. He developed the idea of transporting patch liners to their position in a sewer by propelling them along using the high pressure of the jetting hose normally used for cleaning sewers.

Personal Development Award.
Winner: Gavin Towler and Highly Commended: Andrew Wathen
During this year both Gavin and Andrew have shown they are capable of and prepared to take on responsibility in their respective roles and have developed in to good team leaders.
Winner: Gavin Towler Highly Commended: Andrew Wathen
Exceptional Customer Service.
Winner: Joanne Pacey and Highly Commended: Richard Patterson
Despite the panic buying and short supply of PPE earlier this year the company didn’t ran out of supplies due to the hard work of Joanne and her firm management of the stock levels, providing an excellent service in demanding conditions which enabled all our activities to be operational.
Since joining the business earlier this year Richard has been recognised for providing an excellent service supporting the business in IT and general office support.
Winner: Jo Pacey Highly Commended: Richard Patterson
Collaboration Award.
Winners: Malcolm MacDonald, Chris Byles and Alan McKay
Highly commended: Steve Noonan, Alan Hall and Norman Duree
The development of a new idea into a working device required a collaborative approach which Malcom, Chris and Alan demonstrated when developing the original idea for the patch liner positioning device, each bringing their own skills and experience to make it successful.
A difficult deep sewer repair in the village of Kirkby Malzeard and equally challenging repair in running sand at Beverley required a strong collaborative approach to resolve both which was shown by Steve, Alan and Norman.

Team Award.
Winners: Warley Moor Team – David Lawton, Wayne Egan, Chris Byles, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Egan, Jonny Holmes, Paul Simpson, Jason Bellwood, Tom Cross, Nathan Horner, Dale Wood, Niall Duffy.
This team from DrainsAid where challenged by the remote and difficult location of the site to carry out the concrete spray lining of a large diameter pipeline. It required different specialist activities, lining and cleaning working together to complete the work successfully.
Winners: David Lawton, Wayne Egan & Chris Byles Winners: Jonathan Holmes & Paul Simpson
Long service awards.
30 years service: Bernard McBride
10 years service: Lee Garside & David Elliott.
Congratulations to all our recipients and nominees on being recognised for your commitment and contributions in 2020.