Enabling works to prepare the site for construction of future mixed use development.  The site enabling works comprising, Bulk earthworks, Lime stabilisation, surface water pond, pumping station, street light installation, surface sewers, river outfall access road, footway and landscaping works.

Main Description of Works:

  • Earthworks including the use of, and stabilisation of cohesive materials on site to meet a specific compaction specification
  • Provision of development platforms
  • Diversion of utility services
  • Dealing with and disposing of a stockpile contaminated with Japanese Knotweed
  • Processing of stockpiled material to produce a 6F2 material
  • Excavation of a flood attenuation area and pond to aid flooding in the wider area of the community
  • Construction of substation building
  • Construction of a S278 new access road and associated surface water drainage
  • Installation of a pumping station and rising main for the pumping of flood water to the River Hipper under extreme circumstances
  • Construction and installation of a insitu concrete outfall headwall for the rising main into the River Hipper
  • Installation of new street lighting to the networks of footpath and floodlighting to the skate park
  • Installation of CCTV to cover the footpaths and skate park area
  • Surfacing works of the existing footpath network.
  • Contract location: Spire Walk, Chesterfield
  • Final value: £1.15m