Wednesday 15 November, 2017
Following successful contract negotiations Peter Duffy Limited were appointed by the client Celotex, who were acting as Construction Managers, to carry out the groundworks and external works associated with a 16000m2 production and distribution facility for its insulation products. Main
Wednesday 15 November, 2017
The contract to carry out the design and construction of all elements associated with the Civils and Balance of Plant works associated with the installation of a 85metre high 0.5MW wind turbine on an existing WwTW; including access track (new
Wednesday 15 November, 2017
Bishopdyke Enterprises are to develop a 75 acre site at Sherburn in Elmet near Leeds. The site is currently land locked bounded by an existing industrial park, a major Environment Agency watercourse known as Bishopdyke and a local airfield used