As recently featured in BBC news, mental health within the construction industry is a subject which isn’t commonly touched upon.

Peter Duffy Limited wants to raise awareness and understanding of mental health and help our employees understand how, when and where to get support. It is important to break the stigmas and silence attached to mental health by promoting a culture of positive well-being.

Did you know?

  • 1 in 6 of us has a mental health problem such as stress, anxiety or depression, yet 1 in 5 fears that disclosure could cost us our job.
  • Workers within the construction industry are 10x more likely to die from suicide than a work related incident.
  • 400,000 working days are lost in the industry each year due to mental health problems.

Since March 2018, we have now appointed 3 dedicated “Mental Health First Aiders” as a primary mental health support contacts. We also trained Directors, Managers, Foremen and front line staff in Mental Health Awareness to act as “Champions”, people to go to for advice and guidance. We have a further two courses planned to take place later this year to train even more staff on spotting the signs of mental health and understanding what help to offer.