The Swansea Wastewater Networks team recently carried out a large sewer repair at Baglan, near Port Talbot.

After a thorough investigation, the team found a 5 metre collapse on the sewer line underneath the busy Briton Ferry roundabout on the A48 dual carriageway, which was causing problems for a nearby McDonald’s restaurant.

Because of the tricky position of the collapsed line, while Network Engineer, Michael Lodwig, Wastewater Technician Gavin Ridgway and Project Manager at Peter Duffy Ltd (our contract partners), and Paul Edwards worked on a plan for the repair work, the wider Network team for the area used temporary measures to make sure that McDonalds was able to remain open, with their sewerage systems running as smoothly as possible.

To carry out the repair, the team worked closely with the South Wales Trunk Road Agency (SWTRA) and Welsh Assembly Government (WAG) to make sure that it could be completed with minimal disruption to our customers.

Peter Duffy Ltd worked around the clock, over a period of 10 days during the Easter holidays to make sure that the repair was done within the planned timescale.

Michael Lodwig said: “This was a complex emergency repair due to the location and depth of the sewer. We were grateful for the co-operation of SWTRA and WAG, and we’re very pleased with the work done by Peter Duffy Ltd – their efforts have really helped us to build a trusting relationship with SWTRA and WAG for any future work.

“A big thank you to all involved for doing all they could to make sure that there was minimal disruption for our customers.”